Te quiero Mamá.
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Feliz Cumpleaños Papá.
Recuerdo una conversación contigo y Manuel en el hospital. Mamá todavía vivía, pero ya no había esperanza. La conversación la recuerda un tanto surrealista, pero lo que te quiero recordar es algo que te dije; Desde ahora, Tú eres nuestra principal y única 'preocupación', Mamá ya no tiene solución. Ella todavía respiraba.
Es verdad, y no es una 'preocupación', es un alivio, y una satisfacción tenerte.
Hemos discutido, mucho, tanto que hemos estado sin hablar grandes periodos de tiempo. El último, el año pasado justo cuando volví a Inglaterra, hasta una conversación poco anterior a que me llamaras para decirme que Mamá tenía cancer.
Aquella véz fué muy triste para mí. Me sentía muy dolido, y no quería volver a hablar contigo. Pero por 'circunstancias' volvimos a hablar. Me llamaste. Me emocioné, y no por lo que me contabas, todavía no se sabía nada, me emocioné por volver a hablar contigo, me emocioné y lloré por volver a tenerte.
Todos hemos perdido, a todos se nos ha hecho dificil, pero sé y entiendo, que tú eres la persona que más dificil y peor lo está pasando. Por eso quiero, que al menos hoy, disfrutes. Ahora te lo mereces más que nadie. Ojalá estuviese allí, porque no hay ahora mismo otro sitio en el que hubiera querido estar, si no allí, contigo, con mi Padre.
Te quiero Papá
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
... X; You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
Today, I lived a quite funny situation, or at least interesting. Today in the morning like many other mornings I went to the gym, in there myself lucky, I had the chance to meet Owen Franks. Owen, is a rugby player, is a prop. Plays for the Crusaders, and so the All Blacks. recently as part of the team, has been crowded world champion. Get to meet him because we are sharing same fitness coach, Lee Attrill. Pro Weightlifter and former Kiwi champion. This was remarkable, but is not funny.
With Owen, was his partner, his girlfriend Emma. I saw her already a couple of times before, and I'v been introduce by Lee, she trains in the gym too. Well Emma, is fit, is quite good looking,... is smoking!!
The funny part comes with, what normally is pleasant view, watching her pulling and pushing weights, lifting bars, etc,... today it wasn't quite so.
Today, I showed to myself tremendous willpower. Today Emma like the rest of the days, pulled and pushed weights, lifted bars, etc... but today, I haven't look. Maybe some little brief looks, but that was all. The least of my dreams is being catch by Owen Franks, while I stare to his girlfriend when she is exercising. No, not a pleasant dream.
Owen Franks, the 'kid', the 'angel', stands for 1,85 cm high, and weights 117 kg. Owen push and pull weights like Emma does, but in a magnitude that cannot be healthy. In fairness to him, it is true he is got a bit of a kind look in his eyes, but I rather not like to test his 'tenderness', he still got potentially a 117 kg of 'hostia'.
In Spain, we have a country of wide folk wisdom, full of sayings. There is a pretty nice and graphic one, very suitable for the kind of situation I lived today;
'Donde tengas la olla, no metas la p....'
Friday, 27 July 2012
My Mother's 67 birthday
Yes, today is my Mother's 67 anniversary, and I going to celebrate it.
During the last few years, when I had the chance, every time I was coming back home from England, I bought a bottle of champagne and some chocolates. The chocolates didn't last for long, -one every night- but the champagne, we saved for special times, special celebrations.
My mother was an outstanding cooker, absolutely terrific. Every special occasion, we, my mother and me, set-up the table with a special table linen, cutlery, and glasses. Then, my Dad, my Brother, Me, and my Mother, enjoyed a succulent banquet cooked by her. The meals didn't consist in one dish and dessert, and that's all, no no no. The meals consisted, in some appetizers, entreés, first dish, main, or mains and a delicious dessert made by her too, all of this 'watered' with the champagne.
It wasn't nothing more pleasant to me to see, than my mother enjoying her champagne with an ear to ear smile -She had a Beautiful smile- with her libs paint in red, -always red- telling us stories about her past, -long and fruity past- and discussing who was going to drink the last drops of the champagne bottle with his younger son.
This will happen no more, is a memory, a memory for ever I hope. Lately I have being experience a major fear. Forget the smallest of the memories about My Mother, I don't want to forget any of them, even the smallest. That fear, disturbs and crumple-up my heart.
But that is me, and only the time will tell and know the truth. Today is not about me, is about her, about My Mother, and for her today I will drink a glass of champagne.
Va por tí Mamá.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Today I feel creative, I want to create. So here it comes another post. Sadly, is going to destroy my well discipline average of post per month.
The last weeks, I have being working in the mornings, cutting and placing insulator plates into walls and ceilings. Nice and itchy experience, but well... all good once I reach and insert myself into the dishwasher machine, Which is my 'working tool' in the other job I currently do during evenings, as a 'kitchen hand'... These works, join a growing list of jobs, that I have being doing, random and sporadically since I arrived in New Zealand back in December last year. Gardening, construction of retaining walls, putting-up together furniture, shifting furniture, now insulation and dishwasher...even a girl from a lawyer firm, offer me to clean her house -sadly the most interesting of them never happen- Accomplished all of them in the most strict 'illegality'. I am according to my visa, a 'visitor' here. I know, I should not make this public, but that's why I am using a cover name in my blog profile. My real name is Antonio Paolicelli, born and raised in Matera, Italy, at your service.
As you can see, there is nothing like the survival sense. When there is nothing to choose from, you learn to develop yourself into a 'Yes Man'. "...Can do you do...? Yes, ...You know how to...? Yes." I want to make a challenge. I challenge anyone who read this, to see who is got the longest........ the longest CV, please guys!!, with a wider variety of jobs. And is some time to come yet, the list might grow and grow.
But, I wanted to talk about creativity. Rather I will talk about self-call creative people. I have read a news that has particularly boiled my blood. A Genius, or a bunch of them, have decided like 'Manna from heaven' that, the world-known, singular, famous, simple, catchy, neat and beauty slogan/line of 'I Love NY' has become old and has to be renew!! An idea From these 'creative' people is, to change the Heart anagram...for a pizza!! PLEASE. At least not everyone is going to be unhappy. The Spaghetti -this with all the love to my friends- will be cheering for that. This silly idea is bad from every angle. Waste of money, spend in a draw, that never, I repeat, never will match the iconic sense of his predecessor.
I hardly remember any line/slogan as good as this one is. Me too,
Under African Skies
From some time, I have being reading this line, this meaningful line. Last time was from a blog wrote by a spanish journalist, Paco Nadal. He said "...the African skies are windows to the infinite, games of shape and color that reminds you how much energy emanate from this Continent every second..." Sadly there are not my words, too nice and well expressed to be mine. What I share with him, are the explosion of emotions that Them can caused in one. My studious, and better friend Juan Ortega has a PGD about Them. He can tell you one or two things about it. Me, despite I have been only in the southern tip of the continent, I fall in love -and again- with Them. The pictures I want to share with you now, doesn't make justice to the reality, but can give you an idea.
Once this has been said, keep an eye as well to the floor. This continent is not only know for his skies...
...This young ladies, would not complain to a bit of raw meat in the menu.
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Where am I living?
Hello, it's been a while. In a rewind of my mind, I realized, that I didn't tell where I am living. Yes, you know I am in Christchurch or what is left from it, but, haven't tell who I am living with. Always, always I say that the people make the place, and not the other way around, I can be in a 'shithole' but the people around will turn it, into a comfortable, warm, and friendly place, as this one is. Thats why Cambridge have, and always will, a save place in my heart. Travelers, Workers, Kiwis, -the less- People running from someone or somewhere, People who are trying to find themselves... a constant dripping of People, that are coming and going. Passengers of this place that 'we' call Rob's Place.
This good looking old man is Kashinanda, yes, you read it well. Kashinanda is his given name, after an spiritual period in India. I am really awful with names. Well, to understand this one, it took me a 'few days', to be gentle with myself. He is originally Dutch, born and raised in Amsterdam. Now, after what I believe an interesting live, he is a Kiwi with 15 years of citizenship under his belt. The man is a 'trotamundos' and now, father/mother of this community.
He is a lover of the music, nature and films. A hard worker for many years, and now, seeker for a peaceful, happy, and sunny day while playing guitar.
Carl, is Kiwi, a Maori guy from Wellington to be more precise. He is studying here in Christchurch, and is a passionate of Rugby just like me. Is a guy that I spend hours with talking most of the times about Rugby, but not only. A very keen guy to understand, discover and learn new things from different countries, customs and cultures, something very easy to say but random to find in people. A businessman in the making. Recently, he sold a coat to a house mate which he previously purchased just few days before. The guy is a genius!! The guy is unmistakable from the distance nowadays, looks like the Michelin man or an onion. Is wearing layer after layer after layer...of clothes, is struggling with the winter 'cold' down here.
Santiago and Scott, Argentinian and Canadian, are my next door housemates. The closest to couple that we have in here. They share food, room, bed, everything very nice. Santiago, is the kind of guy that came here to travel and sightsee NZ in first instance, but it turned out to be for finding himself. A seek, to find out what he want and who he is. A really good chap. Probably this work as well for Scott, plus he loves to play the guitar, with the only difference of age between them.
Our new recruitment is Ladislav, a Czech. Very good guy. Sorry for the blur picture but he is a virtuoso of the guitar, and is very difficult to catch him standing steel. Yes, another guitarist. In here, they are like mushrooms in Autumn, they are everywhere, but until now, I didn't find one average, all of them they are quite good and talented. Ladislav is a funny character guy, now is sharing room with Andreas, which is causing him a bit of a change. This morning, while having breakfast, he said to Andreas, -Shut the fuck up- something new coming from him, everything in a friendly environment.
There are few more and all of them from different places, India, France, Ireland, England,...even a Bad Boy, his name is Ben, Kiwi. He cannot spell please, sorry neither thank you, but well, is part of the mix.
The next one, last but not least is Charlotte. A German girl, nothing in common with our previous German. Sadly, she left a couple of weeks ago, but still worth of mention. Another one I shared very interesting and nice chats with, a lot less than I would liked to tough. A compulsory reader and photographer, and yet, finding her way.
A chica guapa that is more than just a pretty face. An intelligent girl that likes to use what she has in top of her shoulders, making her even more attractive. Generally shy, until the moment she gets confidence, turning herself into a 'Femme Fatale'. A point, she waits for unleash her most deadly weapon. Her smile, that she combines wisely and beautifully with a nice sound. Her laugh. At that moment, everything is loose for the opponent, and you don't have anything else to do, but show white flag. If you refuse to do so, she might execute a couple of Kung-Fu moves, and then the battle will turn into a bloodbath!! True story. I just can say, that hopefully, I will see her again.
This is a short review of people I'm sharing most of the time, life, worries, etc... with
Sunday, 15 April 2012
'Welcome to HSOB'
Yesterday, for first time in official competition, I pull on the HSOB jersey, my club, nicknamed the Polar Bears, the white jersey and shorts sure has something to say about it. The 10 jersey of High School Old Boys. Probably, the club jersey worn by biggest quantity of 'big' names in Rugby history. I make my debut with the Division 2 squad, against Linwood. We won 6-35, but that for me is nearly insignificant. What really matter is that, Joe Gee, my coach, and an institution inside the club, came to me during warm-up, shake hands with me and said -Juan, Welcome to High School Old Boys- Well, THAT, is what really matters. after 16 years of playing rugby all over the world, with highs and lows, THAT is what I was chasing for. But I won`t stop here, as I said , I played for division 2. There is one more step to go forwards, Division 1 Rugby, the zenith, and my main aim. Rugby with All Blacks next to your shoulder. Yesterday, in Division 1, played two players from Canterbury Crusaders, the most successful Rugby franchise in the world.
Talking about Canterbury Crusaders. To experienced a whole day, I went to see a Super 15 game. A Rugby competition, involving the best franchises from New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Crusaders vs Stormers. The local team against the Cape Town and top of the league team. 15$, worth it every dime. The local team won, so at the end of the day everyone happy, and me among them.
As a reminder to opposition teams, our club house changing rooms are decorate with copies of Polar Bears and an slogan underneath -Fear the Bear- Well, fear this Bear, because He came to RRROOOAAAAARRR!!
Sunday, 12 February 2012
28 Springs
This, will never happen again. Was my 27th birthday,
I spend all my previous birthdays in company of my beloved Family, never went to school neither to work, and if I was abroad, I made sure to be back for 'My day', till today.
The Stanleys
Yesterday night Antonio and Me were the guests to a beautiful soirée at the Stanley family house;
Anne & Greg Stanley, Liv and her boyfriend Nick, and Tom and girlfriend Candice, were the hosts.
Tom is 21, rugby player in High School Old Boys, and he just finish a degree in building engineering. Since I arrive in Christchurch, I met some outstanding people, and Tom and his family probably are on top of the list.
They gave me the opportunity to get an extra cash doing some work in their garden, and Tom act as my cicerone. He show me the city, the damage, told me a bit of history from the place, and drove me around Christchurch too. Something that I really really appreciate. like Tom says, 'someone has to do it'.
There is not too much to say about the dinner, -actually I am speechless- but that, it was a fantastic time. A very nice roast pork, Pavlova cake for dessert -they already know my weakness about sweet stuff, and they offer me to take away what was left after repeating three times- all of this watering with wines from the private collection of Tom's father, lot of laughs, and Antonio and me at our usual best. All of this make ours nights priceless.
Sadly there is not pictures from the night, but I recover this document from the dust that I want to share with you.
Tom is 21, rugby player in High School Old Boys, and he just finish a degree in building engineering. Since I arrive in Christchurch, I met some outstanding people, and Tom and his family probably are on top of the list.
They gave me the opportunity to get an extra cash doing some work in their garden, and Tom act as my cicerone. He show me the city, the damage, told me a bit of history from the place, and drove me around Christchurch too. Something that I really really appreciate. like Tom says, 'someone has to do it'.
There is not too much to say about the dinner, -actually I am speechless- but that, it was a fantastic time. A very nice roast pork, Pavlova cake for dessert -they already know my weakness about sweet stuff, and they offer me to take away what was left after repeating three times- all of this watering with wines from the private collection of Tom's father, lot of laughs, and Antonio and me at our usual best. All of this make ours nights priceless.
Sadly there is not pictures from the night, but I recover this document from the dust that I want to share with you.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Highway nº 1
To not bother you much with my Christmas trip, I decide to change the title of it.
On my way up to Wellington, Daniel and me took a bus back to Christchurch, and then another one from our beloved city to Picton. Town probably famous, just because is the port where the ferry towards Wellington leave.
Highway nº 1, this is the road, that links Christchurch and Picton, via Northwest coast, and surround by mountains, cliffs and beaches. I have to say that, this is the most beautiful bus ride I have ever did.
Ironically another Highway nº 1, but this one in California, have the name for one of the most scenics road in the world. Me, luckily I had the chance to ride both, and I think the NZ one is considerably nicer. Probably the Californian one is more glamorous for where it is, and James Dean.
Judge by yourselves...
Judge by yourselves...
...This is it.
The move night ferry up to Wellington, the pass from 2011 to 2012 in company of a charming and bossy policewoman officer - No, don't worry Antonio, the only one with criminal records, are you and Alan still- and flight back to Christchurch, because a flight is cheaper than a bus, are not worth of deeper mention.
P.S. Wellington is a very nice, and lively city worth to visit one more time, maybe with you Antonio.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
'The Reason'
The pictures are not from the best quality, but good enough to see the Silver Fern in their breasts.
That Silver Fern is the National emblem of New Zealand, and their Famous All Blacks Rugby Team.
This guys, my friends, are my coaches, and yes, one time not long ago, All Blacks and legends of this Sport, and the ultimate reason that took me to this country
Aaron Mauger, Nathan Mauger and Reuben Thorne.
This is actually the reason.
For me, at this stage, hearing from Aaron Mauger -with 46 caps for his country and two Rugby World Cups under his belt- comments like 'good skills Juan'... are just priceless.
Now, I'M ENJOYING, inside me there is a fulfilling feeling of HAPPINESS, much needed after a tough and sad end of year.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Christmas IV
Our next stop Dunedin. We arrive well inside the night, short of petrol and without booked accommodation, at our usual best!! We find a Holiday park, office closed, but good and only option though. The guys start to established their tents, me start to turn the car into a well equip room. Tomorrow will be another day
Morning. Find a proper hostel with all the technology advantages of modern times in city center is our new task. Dunedin basically is a city crossed by a main road. In one side general buildings. In the other, University of Otago facilities. And in the middle of this road a place call The Octagon. All of this surrounding by hills and water with penguins swimming -I don't have to say that, I didn't taste the freshness of the water-
Probably the right city to have a good time, but wrong moment to be there, as one local girl very kindly make me notice.
-...You are German... Swedish?....Dutch??.....Portuguese?? -Wait a minute , Portuguese?? I'm looking more Spanish than Portuguese, What the F***k!!!-
-....aahhhhh Spanish!!....Darling, You are in Dunedin at the wrong moment!! -Thank you sweetie! I reply.
Anyway, She was right. Students are in summer holidays by now.
We find a Scottish pub in The Octagon. Tired of insipid drinks for my palate, -Stan, you know how much we like sophisticate stuff!!- I See the bar crowded by colorful, tasteful and smokey Scotch!! My eyes were dropping tears with such splendid view by that time! -Walter, Lagavulin 16 still the best-
After two nights in Dunedin and listening people telling us that Queenstown is very expensive, Daniel and me decide to change our plans, and go to...... Wellington!
Morning. Find a proper hostel with all the technology advantages of modern times in city center is our new task. Dunedin basically is a city crossed by a main road. In one side general buildings. In the other, University of Otago facilities. And in the middle of this road a place call The Octagon. All of this surrounding by hills and water with penguins swimming -I don't have to say that, I didn't taste the freshness of the water-
Probably the right city to have a good time, but wrong moment to be there, as one local girl very kindly make me notice.
-...You are German... Swedish?....Dutch??.....Portuguese?? -Wait a minute , Portuguese?? I'm looking more Spanish than Portuguese, What the F***k!!!-
-....aahhhhh Spanish!!....Darling, You are in Dunedin at the wrong moment!! -Thank you sweetie! I reply.
Anyway, She was right. Students are in summer holidays by now.
We find a Scottish pub in The Octagon. Tired of insipid drinks for my palate, -Stan, you know how much we like sophisticate stuff!!- I See the bar crowded by colorful, tasteful and smokey Scotch!! My eyes were dropping tears with such splendid view by that time! -Walter, Lagavulin 16 still the best-
After two nights in Dunedin and listening people telling us that Queenstown is very expensive, Daniel and me decide to change our plans, and go to...... Wellington!
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Making new friends...
This is a new series of posts. Beforehand I talked about Facebook and Kiwis. Not trying to hurt anyone else sensitivity, just like to make an appreciation about world wide curiosities . Today I will like to put over the table...German and Germans speaking.
Have you guys had the chance to speak to a German? Did you get the same impression as me, that when they talk to you, they sound angry, even if they are joking? It Is true that I met very calm Germans, actually far to calm. But met some too, that when they talk to me, I just can say 'hostia'!!
One of this, is Leo. A guy I met while I was at the hostel. I know the German as a language, doesn´t soften at all, but this guy was quite funny. More or less our first words were...
-...aahh good, I´m looking for a job. I said
-Your not gonna find any, I know, it´s crazy AAHH.
-Well I´m trying to find a house too.
-Ohh impossible, I was looking for two weeks, and I didn’t find,
I know, it’s crazy AAHH
I know, it’s crazy AAHH
- What about food, is it expensive?
- AAHH...Very expensive...
-...I know, it's crazy AAHH.
I know, This guy is particularly optimist, but I met few more Germans, that were more or less the same.
And looks like I'm not alone. This two, think similar
I know, This guy is particularly optimist, but I met few more Germans, that were more or less the same.
And looks like I'm not alone. This two, think similar
Christmas III
Next stop? We can try Oamaru, next 'big' town on New Zealand Highway nr.1. Go for it!! Once more we hit the road in Rob's sport-tunning-tamarro-rig-noise-exhaust-honda-racer-car.
We arrive in Oamaru -a kind of English colony- for lunch, but.... What lunch??..... Where?? Is 25th, nothing is open obviously. Once again we show our......knowledge, but once again 'I' -right Rob/Daniel??- show my resolutive skills. Finally I manage to meet an Argentinian guy call Juan -ironic isn´t it?- who speak to someone else that make as some food, in a kind of posh restaurant which is having a private function. So at the end of the day the best food of the whole trip came when worse the situation was. We tipped one of the waiters, a GUY call Ricky for their compassion.
But it didn´t end up in here, for some reason, the manager, invite us for a personal party to celebrate Christmas. Is gonna take place in the neighbor village of Moeraki, so the guy offer us accommodation for free too!!
So, we were there, a Swedish, an English and a Spanish in the house of a southern French cheff with two Kiwis, seven Argentinians, two Germans, two Chileans, and one Tongan, Ricky, the GUY that we tipped few hours before, and now was transformed into a 'proper' WOMAN.
A magic moment of the night came, when one of the Kiwis suggest, after watching Daniel open a bottle of beer with the teeth, that he was able to do the same with the ass. Me, I was literally crying, inside me of course. Daniel not that much, the guy was gay, and was targeting our handsome Swedish boy by that time.
The other moment of the night came when we met Fleur Sullivan, Apparently the best cheff of New Zealand, and owner of three restaurants, one of them, the one we had lunch beforehand.
After another comfortable night in bed, before go back to Juan's house in Oamaru, we stop to see the 'World Known and Famous' Moeraki Moulders -Few beach rocks with round shape- then we head to the beach in Kakanui. First contact with New Zealand waters. A bit cold would say, nothing that a healthy heart cannot manage -if you have a pacemaker your fu..... better just don´t try-.
After beach, we and Argentinians Juan and Alvaro turn in different ways. Really good and helpful guys this Argentinians.
We arrive in Oamaru -a kind of English colony- for lunch, but.... What lunch??..... Where?? Is 25th, nothing is open obviously. Once again we show our......knowledge, but once again 'I' -right Rob/Daniel??- show my resolutive skills. Finally I manage to meet an Argentinian guy call Juan -ironic isn´t it?- who speak to someone else that make as some food, in a kind of posh restaurant which is having a private function. So at the end of the day the best food of the whole trip came when worse the situation was. We tipped one of the waiters, a GUY call Ricky for their compassion.
But it didn´t end up in here, for some reason, the manager, invite us for a personal party to celebrate Christmas. Is gonna take place in the neighbor village of Moeraki, so the guy offer us accommodation for free too!!
So, we were there, a Swedish, an English and a Spanish in the house of a southern French cheff with two Kiwis, seven Argentinians, two Germans, two Chileans, and one Tongan, Ricky, the GUY that we tipped few hours before, and now was transformed into a 'proper' WOMAN.
A magic moment of the night came, when one of the Kiwis suggest, after watching Daniel open a bottle of beer with the teeth, that he was able to do the same with the ass. Me, I was literally crying, inside me of course. Daniel not that much, the guy was gay, and was targeting our handsome Swedish boy by that time.
The other moment of the night came when we met Fleur Sullivan, Apparently the best cheff of New Zealand, and owner of three restaurants, one of them, the one we had lunch beforehand.
After another comfortable night in bed, before go back to Juan's house in Oamaru, we stop to see the 'World Known and Famous' Moeraki Moulders -Few beach rocks with round shape- then we head to the beach in Kakanui. First contact with New Zealand waters. A bit cold would say, nothing that a healthy heart cannot manage -if you have a pacemaker your fu..... better just don´t try-.
After beach, we and Argentinians Juan and Alvaro turn in different ways. Really good and helpful guys this Argentinians.
Rob, Alvaro, Buchannon, Daniel and The Bullet man Juan |
Christmas II
So, 24th of December, Christmas Eve, finally here we go. So Rob, what is your plan? -Me asking, just an idea of how much we discuss about anything. He is got the car and is going to Queenstown for a music festival, and Daniel and me we want to be there for New Years Eve- We can stop in Timaru, -he said- Sounds good!, never heard about Timaru , but Why not?
So Hit the Road Rob!! - Ray Charles come to me- After a couple of hours, we arrive at our destination. First thing, accommodation. Find a holiday park. Daniel and Rob start to set their tents, me....me, I look to the floor, then to my sleeping bag, then again to the wet floor, then to the sky -cloudy- then back again to my sleeping back....the romanticism that took me to not considerer a tent, melted as quick as an ice cube in a Scotch on the rocks. Now is when every single neuron start to work -the single one that I have, as I show!!!- looking for a solution. Women!!!
Next, dinner. Is Christmas Eve so, a bit of glamour is required here....frozen pizza and two gorgeous muffins are my choices, and beer for the toast...pure delicatessen!!!
Let´s share our happiness with some locals!! -me especially interested in the matter-.....1.30 am, nothing, everything getting close, my friends a bit disperse....wait, THREE women at 12 o´clock, very bad I have to manage!!...After an hour of walking with them and my friends -hyenas!!- AN HOUR!! there is left two girls for three guys, knives start to sharpen. We end up in the house of them both. My friends that understand the character of my urgent need decide to show white flag.
Good, Juan Antonio, your doing very well!! -I was keep telling to myself- Few drinks and a bit of charm, and the job was done. A girl, me and the much needed bed.... VINI, VIDI and DIDN´T VINCI, because the alcohol did cause some effect by the time on........Her, ok? Unfaithful people!!!! Anyway the very comfortable bed was a very good price.
By 9, decide to crept out, caring to not make any kind of noise. Walking back 'home' with some good music, and a smile from ear to ear. How easy we are to satisfy!!
Merry Christmas Rob , Daniel!!
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Mark Lenders
Some of you guys probably know this guy. Pasquale I know you know who I´m talking about.
Ladies & Gentlemen with all of you Mark Lenders.
Mark Lenders is a hiper-mega-famous Japanese football player and the archenemy of Oliver Newton in the classic series Oliver & Benji
A very committed and ruthless guy, a bad boy actually, not as quite talented as Oliver is, but he compensate that, with tons of hard work.
He made himself famous by the "Shoot of the Tiger". Skill that he developed shooting to the sea, against tsunami size waves.
I know this Kiwis are a bit out of their minds. The only fact they going with their bare feet EVERYWHERE should be enough to understand my point -I ´m not talking about the British girls, that after few drinks, they feel like they don´t need their shoes anymore- In here, could be raining, storming or snowing, that they don´t use them, they don´t give a damn!! -I start to think they don´t have-
Today I experience their madness on my own skin. Redo, Tom Stanley, Chris Small -members of my rugby team HSOB- and myself went for a run. Run in the beach is good, I would say very good, but run inside the ocean??...but this is not enough, let´s make it tougher!! against the WAVES!! Pure Mark lenders style. If he could see me, he would be very proud, sure.
Monday, 9 January 2012
My Christmas I
Off we go!!! This how everything starts isn´t/ in´t guys?? -you Kubiak, you know which one is correct-.
During my days in a youth hostel call Kiwi House, -run by Japaneses- I met two guys -more, but feel closer to this two- One is call Daniel Larsson, as you can guess he is Swedish, very very Swedish. Is working in Christchurch as a house painter, very tall, very blond...very Swedish as I said. The other is call Robert Ashcroft, English, he doesn´t have a fixed work here.
One week before Christmas we decide to go somewhere else rather than stayed in Christchurch.
Our plan: Very easy. Leave Christchurch the 24th, pass Christmas Eve somewhere on the road. Christmas Day, as well somewhere else, and keep on going till reach Queenstown on time for New Years Eve, and Day.
Not a particularly difficult one, actually wide open.
The money is an issue so I am 50/50. In one hand looks quite attractive and seems that we can get heaps of fun. But the thought of the fucking money still there!!!
Two days before we should leave, Daniel and me, we go to a warehouse for a sleeping bag and a tent. I felt romantic at that time and I decided I don´t need a tent, in here is summer, so should be fine. I kept the sleeping bag receipt just in case I decide to stay.
23rd December. Still 50/50, I´m talking with one of my housemates -Mexican guy- and suddenly, BBBBBBBRBRBRBRRRRRBRBRBRRBBRBRBRBRBRRB BRBRBRBRBRRBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBBRBRBRBRBBRBRBRB BRBR, after one second that we realize what was happening, we just put feet in "Polvorosa". FUCK!! an EARTHQUAKE!!! I was virgin in this kind of experiences. First thing, check with locals if its normal. -We thought this was gone, they said- You know, the background of this city doesn´t invite anyone to be optimist, so is quite scary stuff. Check news, affirmative was quite strong BRBBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBRBRB BRRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBBRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBBRRB BRBRRB. Another one!!!!! Even BIGGER!! -In a different post will be more precise about this...things- You know what? Fuck the money!!!!! Let´s go to Queenstown!!!
During my days in a youth hostel call Kiwi House, -run by Japaneses- I met two guys -more, but feel closer to this two- One is call Daniel Larsson, as you can guess he is Swedish, very very Swedish. Is working in Christchurch as a house painter, very tall, very blond...very Swedish as I said. The other is call Robert Ashcroft, English, he doesn´t have a fixed work here.
One week before Christmas we decide to go somewhere else rather than stayed in Christchurch.
Our plan: Very easy. Leave Christchurch the 24th, pass Christmas Eve somewhere on the road. Christmas Day, as well somewhere else, and keep on going till reach Queenstown on time for New Years Eve, and Day.
Not a particularly difficult one, actually wide open.
The money is an issue so I am 50/50. In one hand looks quite attractive and seems that we can get heaps of fun. But the thought of the fucking money still there!!!
Two days before we should leave, Daniel and me, we go to a warehouse for a sleeping bag and a tent. I felt romantic at that time and I decided I don´t need a tent, in here is summer, so should be fine. I kept the sleeping bag receipt just in case I decide to stay.
23rd December. Still 50/50, I´m talking with one of my housemates -Mexican guy- and suddenly, BBBBBBBRBRBRBRRRRRBRBRBRRBBRBRBRBRBRRB BRBRBRBRBRRBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBBRBRBRBRBBRBRBRB BRBR, after one second that we realize what was happening, we just put feet in "Polvorosa". FUCK!! an EARTHQUAKE!!! I was virgin in this kind of experiences. First thing, check with locals if its normal. -We thought this was gone, they said- You know, the background of this city doesn´t invite anyone to be optimist, so is quite scary stuff. Check news, affirmative was quite strong BRBBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBRBRB BRRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBBRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBBRRB BRBRRB. Another one!!!!! Even BIGGER!! -In a different post will be more precise about this...things- You know what? Fuck the money!!!!! Let´s go to Queenstown!!!
I take this blog, to tell what is actually happening to me, at the very right moment -or at least I will try- Might be thoughts that are crossing my mind, things that are happening now, past things that I want to share, my pictures, etc... anything.
So, don´t expect to find a strict timeline order.
P.S. I have a rule for myself. All and every single picture that will feature in this blog have been taken by me. This is is an understandable exception I guess;)
Sunday, 8 January 2012
My raison d'être
There she is. My Lovely Mother, Ana Maria Ruiz Sanz
The person who contribute to shape and mold me, and to turn me into what I am now.
The person who gave me values and strong pillars to construct and give sense to my life.
The person who, even till her last breaths, continue to show me what means Dignity, Strength, Complicity, Trust, Pride and Love.
I owe her so much, but we share more, and despite I loose her very early, I had a full life with her.
The time doesn't, and wouldn't heal the wound. I know it, I feel it, but I am in the process to learn how to live with it. The toughest of my experiences -with perspective-, is turning inside me, into something that I look straight to the eyes with pride.
For the ones who had the pleasure to meet her, they will understand me. For the truly unlucky people who didn't have the chance, tell them that, this world from the 22nd of September is a bit more empty
This is the city where I particularly choose to start this "Adventure".
Reasons?? Few
First. The spare time that I have now allow me to have hours and hours with myself, What to do? Movies, Internet, write,...-wait a minute write!!! fuck!! This is getting serious, something that I´m quite keen on it, but never till the point of looking for a personal diary!! Me!!?? Never happen before- Well I tried all of this, and much more, but the hours and days are long and the money and entertainment is short. Specially in this city, Christchurch. For the ones that didn't have the chance to experience the city in the last year, I going to make a short introduction
Christchurch = Nothing to do. -Probably I make some new Kiwi friends, Most welcome!!-
Honestly, even them recognize it!! The earthquakes that had been taking place from a year ago now, did not leave much. Is literally devastated by them, and with the city, his residents souls.
Second. This is shorter, I like to write, and as more I write more I like it. Simple
Third. At last but not at least, Because my FRIENDS.
I have been living in Cambridge, England, for the last five years. Well the people that I left there...Friends.
I´m talking about people that, at some point you can´t do something different than love them. You love them over all the things -Not meaningless and empty words here-
Well, They encourage me to keep in contact with them via for example.... facebook -now is when I explode- I hate it!!! -Keep on making more friends, most welcome again- Sorry, but no. No to facebook!!!;) I like from it, the idea of get in touch with someone from old times, but more than that?? Here it comes one observation that I throw to the middle.
It should not matter the quantity of friends, I should not have to accept/reject anyone, everyone should be open to anyone. When you meet someone new in the street, you ask him/her to accept you? or, When you want to have sex with her/him, first thing you ask is, Do you accept me? What the fuck!!
I like the idea of a place where we can meet and share experiences, likes and dislikes. But you know guys? We have it already, we are living over it. A world full opportunities, to meet, to share, to touch... nothing better than that -Gosch I sound terrible Hippy, should be NZ water;)!!-. In the times where we have mobiles, e-mails, blogs to keep in touch, what better than the face to face to discover/open new horizons?
We are cutting our own wings
Well this is Why I start this blog. You might have to excuse my English in more than one time though. Thanks if you do so, If you don't, I will try my best again next time.
For the unfaithful ones that don´t believe me, this is Christchurch...
...and this is as well Christchurch...
...and this is too...
... and unfortunately, this is Christchurch too.
Hasta otra!!
This is the city where I particularly choose to start this "Adventure".
Reasons?? Few
First. The spare time that I have now allow me to have hours and hours with myself, What to do? Movies, Internet, write,...-wait a minute write!!! fuck!! This is getting serious, something that I´m quite keen on it, but never till the point of looking for a personal diary!! Me!!?? Never happen before- Well I tried all of this, and much more, but the hours and days are long and the money and entertainment is short. Specially in this city, Christchurch. For the ones that didn't have the chance to experience the city in the last year, I going to make a short introduction
Christchurch = Nothing to do. -Probably I make some new Kiwi friends, Most welcome!!-
Honestly, even them recognize it!! The earthquakes that had been taking place from a year ago now, did not leave much. Is literally devastated by them, and with the city, his residents souls.
Second. This is shorter, I like to write, and as more I write more I like it. Simple
Third. At last but not at least, Because my FRIENDS.
I have been living in Cambridge, England, for the last five years. Well the people that I left there...Friends.
I´m talking about people that, at some point you can´t do something different than love them. You love them over all the things -Not meaningless and empty words here-
Well, They encourage me to keep in contact with them via for example.... facebook -now is when I explode- I hate it!!! -Keep on making more friends, most welcome again- Sorry, but no. No to facebook!!!;) I like from it, the idea of get in touch with someone from old times, but more than that?? Here it comes one observation that I throw to the middle.
It should not matter the quantity of friends, I should not have to accept/reject anyone, everyone should be open to anyone. When you meet someone new in the street, you ask him/her to accept you? or, When you want to have sex with her/him, first thing you ask is, Do you accept me? What the fuck!!
I like the idea of a place where we can meet and share experiences, likes and dislikes. But you know guys? We have it already, we are living over it. A world full opportunities, to meet, to share, to touch... nothing better than that -Gosch I sound terrible Hippy, should be NZ water;)!!-. In the times where we have mobiles, e-mails, blogs to keep in touch, what better than the face to face to discover/open new horizons?
We are cutting our own wings
Well this is Why I start this blog. You might have to excuse my English in more than one time though. Thanks if you do so, If you don't, I will try my best again next time.
For the unfaithful ones that don´t believe me, this is Christchurch...
...and this is as well Christchurch...
...and this is too...
... and unfortunately, this is Christchurch too.
Hasta otra!!
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