Off we go!!! This how everything starts isn´t/ in´t guys?? -you Kubiak, you know which one is correct-.
During my days in a youth hostel call Kiwi House, -run by Japaneses- I met two guys -more, but feel closer to this two- One is call Daniel Larsson, as you can guess he is Swedish, very very Swedish. Is working in Christchurch as a house painter, very tall, very blond...very Swedish as I said. The other is call Robert Ashcroft, English, he doesn´t have a fixed work here.
One week before Christmas we decide to go somewhere else rather than stayed in Christchurch.
Our plan: Very easy. Leave Christchurch the 24th, pass Christmas Eve somewhere on the road. Christmas Day, as well somewhere else, and keep on going till reach Queenstown on time for New Years Eve, and Day.
Not a particularly difficult one, actually wide open.
The money is an issue so I am 50/50. In one hand looks quite attractive and seems that we can get heaps of fun. But the thought of the fucking money still there!!!
Two days before we should leave, Daniel and me, we go to a warehouse for a sleeping bag and a tent. I felt romantic at that time and I decided I don´t need a tent, in here is summer, so should be fine. I kept the sleeping bag receipt just in case I decide to stay.
23rd December. Still 50/50, I´m talking with one of my housemates -Mexican guy- and suddenly, BBBBBBBRBRBRBRRRRRBRBRBRRBBRBRBRBRBRRB BRBRBRBRBRRBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBBRBRBRBRBBRBRBRB BRBR, after one second that we realize what was happening, we just put feet in "Polvorosa". FUCK!! an EARTHQUAKE!!! I was virgin in this kind of experiences. First thing, check with locals if its normal. -We thought this was gone, they said- You know, the background of this city doesn´t invite anyone to be optimist, so is quite scary stuff. Check news, affirmative was quite strong BRBBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBRBRB BRRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRRBRBBRBRBRRBRBRBRBRBBRRB BRBRRB. Another one!!!!! Even BIGGER!! -In a different post will be more precise about this...things- You know what? Fuck the money!!!!! Let´s go to Queenstown!!!
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