Tuesday, 5 June 2012


  Today I feel creative, I want to create. So here it comes another post. Sadly, is going to destroy my well discipline average of post per month.

  The last weeks, I have being working in the mornings, cutting and placing insulator plates into walls and ceilings. Nice and itchy experience, but well... all good once I reach and insert myself into the dishwasher machine, Which is my 'working tool' in the other job I currently do during evenings, as a 'kitchen hand'... These works, join a growing list of jobs, that I have being doing, random and sporadically since I arrived in New Zealand back in December last year. Gardening, construction of retaining walls, putting-up together furniture, shifting furniture, now insulation and dishwasher...even a girl from a lawyer firm, offer me to clean her house -sadly the most interesting of them never happen-  Accomplished all of them in the most strict 'illegality'. I am according to my visa, a 'visitor' here. I know, I should not make this public, but that's why I am using a cover name in my blog profile. My real name is Antonio Paolicelli, born and raised in Matera, Italy, at your service.

  As you can see, there is nothing like the survival sense. When there is nothing to choose from, you learn to develop yourself into a 'Yes Man'. "...Can do you do...? Yes, ...You know how to...? Yes." I want to make a challenge. I challenge anyone who read this, to see who is got the longest........ the longest CV, please guys!!, with a wider variety of jobs. And is some time to come yet, the list might grow and grow.

  But, I wanted to talk about creativity. Rather I will talk about self-call creative people. I have read a news that has particularly boiled my blood. A Genius, or a bunch of them, have decided like 'Manna from heaven' that, the world-known, singular, famous, simple, catchy, neat and beauty slogan/line of 'I Love NY' has become old and has to be renew!! An idea From these 'creative' people is, to change the Heart anagram...for a pizza!! PLEASE. At least not everyone is going to be unhappy. The Spaghetti -this with all the love to my friends- will be cheering for that. This silly idea is bad from every angle. Waste of money, spend in a draw, that never, I repeat, never will match the iconic sense of his predecessor.

I hardly remember any line/slogan as good as this one is. Me too,


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