Hello, it's been a while. In a rewind of my mind, I realized, that I didn't tell where I am living. Yes, you know I am in Christchurch or what is left from it, but, haven't tell who I am living with. Always, always I say that the people make the place, and not the other way around, I can be in a 'shithole' but the people around will turn it, into a comfortable, warm, and friendly place, as this one is. Thats why Cambridge have, and always will, a save place in my heart. Travelers, Workers, Kiwis, -the less- People running from someone or somewhere, People who are trying to find themselves... a constant dripping of People, that are coming and going. Passengers of this place that 'we' call Rob's Place.
This good looking old man is Kashinanda, yes, you read it well. Kashinanda is his given name, after an spiritual period in India. I am really awful with names. Well, to understand this one, it took me a 'few days', to be gentle with myself. He is originally Dutch, born and raised in Amsterdam. Now, after what I believe an interesting live, he is a Kiwi with 15 years of citizenship under his belt. The man is a 'trotamundos' and now, father/mother of this community.
He is a lover of the music, nature and films. A hard worker for many years, and now, seeker for a peaceful, happy, and sunny day while playing guitar.
Carl, is Kiwi, a Maori guy from Wellington to be more precise. He is studying here in Christchurch, and is a passionate of Rugby just like me. Is a guy that I spend hours with talking most of the times about Rugby, but not only. A very keen guy to understand, discover and learn new things from different countries, customs and cultures, something very easy to say but random to find in people. A businessman in the making. Recently, he sold a coat to a house mate which he previously purchased just few days before. The guy is a genius!! The guy is unmistakable from the distance nowadays, looks like the Michelin man or an onion. Is wearing layer after layer after layer...of clothes, is struggling with the winter 'cold' down here.
Santiago and Scott, Argentinian and Canadian, are my next door housemates. The closest to couple that we have in here. They share food, room, bed, everything very nice. Santiago, is the kind of guy that came here to travel and sightsee NZ in first instance, but it turned out to be for finding himself. A seek, to find out what he want and who he is. A really good chap. Probably this work as well for Scott, plus he loves to play the guitar, with the only difference of age between them.
Our new recruitment is Ladislav, a Czech. Very good guy. Sorry for the blur picture but he is a virtuoso of the guitar, and is very difficult to catch him standing steel. Yes, another guitarist. In here, they are like mushrooms in Autumn, they are everywhere, but until now, I didn't find one average, all of them they are quite good and talented. Ladislav is a funny character guy, now is sharing room with Andreas, which is causing him a bit of a change. This morning, while having breakfast, he said to Andreas, -Shut the fuck up- something new coming from him, everything in a friendly environment.
There are few more and all of them from different places, India, France, Ireland, England,...even a Bad Boy, his name is Ben, Kiwi. He cannot spell please, sorry neither thank you, but well, is part of the mix.
The next one, last but not least is Charlotte. A German girl, nothing in common with our previous German. Sadly, she left a couple of weeks ago, but still worth of mention. Another one I shared very interesting and nice chats with, a lot less than I would liked to tough. A compulsory reader and photographer, and yet, finding her way.
A chica guapa that is more than just a pretty face. An intelligent girl that likes to use what she has in top of her shoulders, making her even more attractive. Generally shy, until the moment she gets confidence, turning herself into a 'Femme Fatale'. A point, she waits for unleash her most deadly weapon. Her smile, that she combines wisely and beautifully with a nice sound. Her laugh. At that moment, everything is loose for the opponent, and you don't have anything else to do, but show white flag. If you refuse to do so, she might execute a couple of Kung-Fu moves, and then the battle will turn into a bloodbath!! True story. I just can say, that hopefully, I will see her again.
This is a short review of people I'm sharing most of the time, life, worries, etc... with
used to live there, October 2011-March 2012 with my scottish bf, i miss kashinanda, miss everybody there.