Thursday, 2 August 2012


Feliz Cumpleaños Papá.

Recuerdo una conversación contigo y Manuel en el hospital. Mamá todavía vivía, pero ya no había esperanza. La conversación la recuerda un tanto surrealista, pero lo que te quiero recordar es algo que te dije; Desde ahora, Tú eres nuestra principal y única 'preocupación', Mamá ya no tiene solución. Ella todavía respiraba.

Es verdad, y no es una 'preocupación', es un alivio, y una satisfacción tenerte.

Hemos discutido, mucho, tanto que hemos estado sin hablar grandes periodos de tiempo. El último, el año pasado justo cuando volví a Inglaterra, hasta una conversación poco anterior a que me llamaras para decirme que Mamá tenía cancer.

Aquella véz fué muy triste para mí. Me sentía muy dolido, y no quería volver a hablar contigo. Pero por 'circunstancias' volvimos a hablar. Me llamaste. Me emocioné, y no por lo que me contabas, todavía no se sabía nada, me emocioné por volver a hablar contigo, me emocioné y lloré por volver a tenerte. 
      Todos hemos perdido, a todos se nos ha hecho dificil, pero sé y entiendo, que tú eres la persona que más dificil y peor lo está pasando. Por eso quiero, que al menos hoy, disfrutes. Ahora te lo mereces más que nadie. Ojalá estuviese allí, porque no hay ahora mismo otro sitio en el que hubiera querido estar, si no allí, contigo, con mi Padre.   

Te quiero Papá

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

... X; You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

  Today, I lived a quite funny situation, or at least interesting. Today in the morning like many other mornings I went to the gym, in there myself lucky, I had the chance to meet Owen Franks. Owen, is a rugby player, is a prop. Plays for the Crusaders, and so the All Blacks. recently as part of the team, has been crowded world champion. Get to meet him because we are sharing same fitness coach, Lee Attrill. Pro Weightlifter and former Kiwi champion. This was remarkable, but is not funny.

  With Owen, was his partner, his girlfriend Emma. I saw her already a couple of times before, and I'v been introduce by Lee, she trains in the gym too. Well Emma, is fit, is quite good looking,... is smoking!!
The funny part comes with, what normally is pleasant view, watching her pulling and pushing weights, lifting bars, etc,... today it wasn't quite so.

  Today, I showed to myself tremendous willpower. Today Emma like the rest of the days, pulled and pushed weights, lifted bars, etc... but today, I haven't look. Maybe some little brief looks, but that was all. The least of my dreams is being catch by Owen Franks, while I stare to his girlfriend when she is exercising. No, not a pleasant dream.

Owen Franks, the 'kid', the 'angel', stands for 1,85 cm high, and weights 117 kg. Owen push and pull weights like Emma does, but in a magnitude that cannot be healthy. In fairness to him, it is true he is got a bit of a kind look in his eyes, but I rather not like to test his 'tenderness', he still got potentially a 117 kg of 'hostia'. 

In Spain, we have a country of wide folk wisdom, full of sayings. There is a pretty nice and graphic one, very suitable for the kind of situation I lived today;

'Donde tengas la olla, no metas la p....'